No one should endanger his freedom and try to steal his fire. Their partners should be soft and flexible if they want to save spouse fragile sympathy. The most common prey for the acquisition they lose interest. Sex they are powerful and commonplace, aggressive and dominant: the hunter, not prey. Partner’s mission is to touch and complement, but never – to beat. They do not like, if partner has the same role whether it tends to be equal. Like a number people, their emotional thrill object should be docile. The pleasures afforded by capture, is as big as the satisfaction of passion. Like number one, these people remains little time for love and romance, but if he did happen, they like to be hunters. Number 3 in numerology the main emotion is aggression, combined with ambition. Overall, it is strong and powerful figure. Physical terms, these people are very durable. They are tough and do not respond to starvation, but even then does so very reluctantly. So one of them comes out great commander. Being disciplined, they will comply with all rules and requests to do so in others.

On that date, births and makes the calls for a complete obedience from his subordinates. Such people, vigorous use of force, implement their ideas and do not suffer if others have doubts about their plan for success. They are corrupted by power and feel satisfied only when the rule over others.

They always want to be up and never put up with prone position. In this day born people are ambitious and aggressive. Like number 1, also number 3 is a good number. Number 3 represents Jupiter – the planet, which has a key role in astrology and numerology in all systems.